
Around 90% of data breaches are the result of human behaviour, making it essential to cultivate a culture of security and manage human risk. Out Think’s Human Risk Management Platform is the first solution to address this, giving CISOs visibility of the risk their workforce poses. With the evolution of companies and people, it has become more challenging to determine who has access to specific systems and applications and why. Thus, the current methods of evaluation must be adjusted to accommodate this complexity.

By integrating human insight and data from existing security systems, CISOs can identify patterns of risk within the organization and pinpoint which individuals present the highest risk to cybersecurity, as well as determine the steps needed to tackle this risk. 


Workflow automation + Automation workflows + unsupervised Machine Learning decisioning
  • Understand the attitude, perception, and sentiment of employees towards security

  • Clear ROI (productivity saving + measurable risk reduction)
  • Scientifically sound (Royal Holloway ISG, UCL, Bochum RHUR).

Value Achieved

Save time. Reduce productivity impact. Training targeted to employees’ needs and risks that is effective and time-saving.

Users love it. A 4.76 average user experience rating was given for its relevance, high quality, Sharia compliance, and native Arabic.

Effortless. Easy to deploy. SaaS with no setup necessary; no extra personnel needed; self-governing; and always available.

Sustained Behavioral Change. There was a 63% decrease in serial clickers and a 508% increase in employee resistance to phishing attacks.

Why F9

F9 offer a revolutionary Human Risk Management Platform that can effectively reduce human risk exposure for large enterprises. It provides complete visibility into the risk the workforce poses to the organization, combining human intelligence with data from existing security systems to reveal unique risk patterns across the organization. The platform offers adaptive security awareness training, autonomous phishing simulations, human risk intelligence, and predictive human risk models. The platform is backed by automation workflows and unsupervised machine learning decision-making, allowing CISOs to understand which individuals pose a higher cybersecurity risk to the organization and determine the most appropriate improvement actions to address the threat.

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